Velha Escola Nova Escola - Great blog with rare punk albums. You can find material of various countries, including Finland (in portuguese and english)

France Punk - This is another blog of mine, just for who searchs albums and materials in french language or francophones countries, like Canada, Belgium and Switzerland (in french).

Pankerijada - A croatian DIY blog about punk-rock, anarcho, crust, grind, D-beat, post punk, OI-few of them, Trashcore, hardcore punk, thrash and black metal bands, materials worldwide, good stuff. (in english).

Vontade & Luta - A brazilian blog organized by Primata, ACTR, Pierre (lead singer for the band Honor Ferox) and Brutal 420. Here you can find Oi! and street punk albums, zines around the world, interviews and others good informations (in portuguese).

(R)ohrpostfanzine - Check out the work of this german blog! This is a fan zine online with more than 8 years, 100% DIY. (in german).

R-Evolution - A blog from Holland. There are different materials: songs, videos and art. If you search anarcho punk, crust, hardcore, Oi!, homocore, and even hip hop that´s a good place. (in english).

Som Punk - Presunto 82, Marcio Almeida and Marcelo Jacob are the webmasters in this blog from Brazil. Punk and hardcore discs! They publish bands from everywhere too! (in portuguese).

In Crust We Trust - Crust, grind core, d-beat and others good noises from different countries. Crusthell is the webmaster from Portugal and he publishes here, I like a lot crust songs and usually visit this too. (in english and in portuguese).
Obrigado pela lembrança ! Abraços .