I don´t know if this was a fan video production or if it was an official production. However, "Riistetyt, Vainotut ja Vihatut / Suomi - H.C. Finland" (exploited, persecuted and hated / finland - hardcore finland) is a great footage of old finnish punk bands! It contains live performances of the bands: Lama, Kaaos, Unborn, Pelle Miljoona, Tampere SS, Maho Neitsyt, Rattus,Terveet Kädet, Bastards, KTMK, and WDM (We Destroy Music).
Não sei se isso foi uma produção de vídeo feita por fãs ou se isso foi realmente uma produção oficial. Em todo caso, "Riistetyt, Vainotut ja Vihatut / Suomi - H.C. Finland" (explorado, perseguido e odiado / finlândia - hardcore finlândia) é uma grande gravação de bandas punks antigas! Contém performances ao vivo das bandas: Lama, Kaaos, Unborn, Pelle Miljoona, Tampere SS, Maho Neitsyt, Rattus,Terveet Kädet, Bastards, KTMK, e WDM (We Destroy Music).
Link de download: It took so long that I prefered to change the quality of the videos to upload it... All the parts get more or less 19, 20 minutes.... Only the part 2.4 is just 1:30 minutes!
Part 1.1 (Bastards, Lama, Rattus - 652 mb)
Part 1.2 (Rattus, Terveet Kädet, KTMK - 657 mb)
Part 1.3 (KTMK, WDM - 28 mb)
Part 1.4 (WDM, Bastards, Riistetyt - 19 mb)
Part 2.1 (Kaaos - 659 mb)
Part 2.2 (Tampere SS, Maho Neitsyt, Unborn - 31 mb)
Part 2.3 (Unborn, Pelle Miljoona - 36 mb)
Part 2.4 (Pelle Miljoona - 36 mb)
Hi !
ReplyDeleteIf you could reupload this, that would be the best thing ever !
Thanks a lot.
Please reupload